Location (Ernakulam Dist. Kerala)
Inchathotty is 3.5 km away from Neriamangalam. You can find the route map attached below...
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Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Inchathotty is between the months of September to June. During the period from February and May sighting of animals becomes much more easier as the waterholes inside the forest areas dry up forcing the animals to come up to the river to quench their thirst and wet their bodies. No wonder, animal sighting is enhanced between these months.
Inchathotty Forest Attractions (Animals)
Aama |
Tortoise or
Aama is one of the animal which have a long life time, appx. 100 years can live.Main food of this is some kinds of grass and some kinds of fruit in some seasons(called Punnakkai). There are different kinds of Tortoise in these places, One type which only lives in land(shows in the picture) and the other type purely lives in water(This is very big compared to others) and some which can live in both water and land (which has some foul smell)
Kezha |
Barking deer or
Kezha is very common deer in Inchathotty forest. This has the maximum weight up to 15 Kg. The regular time, this going for food is between 7.15 to 8.30 in morning and 4.00 to 6.30 in the evening. mainly this eats Leaves and some kinds of fruits from trees(punnakkai, thanikkai,Karakkai,Uruloonjikai,Pulinjikai,Chelakkai etc.). This deer will produce sound like dog barking when anything feels trouble for it's life.(Presence of man,Tiger,Wild dog etc.) ,it also hit one hand strongly into the land at this time repeatedly.It can be seen as couples or as single.
Urumbutheeni | | | | | | | | | | |
Eenaapechi |
Ant eater or
Urumbutheeni or
Anungu or
Eenaampechi is common in these forests. It is living in holes.This commonly going for food at night time and the main food for this is ants some kinds of roots. It also has a nature of forming like a ball when something is came for attacking this(like tortoise do).It will become up to more than 10 Kg.
Chanakeeri |
Chenkeeri |
There are two types of
mongoose are common here, the
red mongoose and
Gray mongoose. The snakes and scorpion are the main food items for this. It commonly hunt its food at day time.These also lives in Tree holes or in land holes.
Chennaya |
wild Dog or
Chennaya is also common in these forest. This animal is the great hunter of barking deer and wild Boar. It lived as a group and hunting is also as a group. If these are coming as a group then even tiger also hide in trees to escape from these. It plays an important role in reducing the no. of small animals in the forest(more than hunting people does).It will not bark like dogs but produce light sound than barking.In village goats also a victim of this animal.
Kaduva |
Tiger is very few are remaining in these forest(Less than 10) because of human activities(Hunting, Killing because of this kills cattle's).It hunts its food in day time as well as night. Mainly barking deer,wild boar and Big deer are the victims of tiger in this forest.
Karadi |
beer or
karadi is also here but the no. of this is very less. The main foods of beer is some kinds of tree seeds and fruits(Konnakkai,Njaval pazham) as well as some kinds of roots and honey from land holes.The food hunting is commonly at night.
The beer will attack humans if we go close to this animal. Many tribes in this area was attacked by beer.
Karikurangu |
Nilgiri Langur or
karimkurangu is common in this forest. This only chooses big trees and Rocks which has very much height. It's voice is very loud and can be hear from far distances. Humans cannot see this in short range because it will hide very quickly in the presence of humans.These are big compared to white monkeys and it will become up to more than 30 Kg.
Kattana |
wild Elephant is too many in these forest.These are the only animal in these area which increasing its no. rapidly.Most of these wild elephants has no tusks (called Moezhaa) even it is male.Some times it become danger for the village peoples in Inchathotty as well as the Tribes villagers near by. It is also being as group and because the people can easily identify the presence of Elephant in their way.
Elephant also has long life time.
Kattupanni |
wild boar or
Kattupanni is also very common in these area. The main food items are the roots of some plants, some kinds of wild tree fruits(Punnakkai,Kolamavu,Anikkavila etc.) and it also destroy village farms, plants like tapioca(Kappa,Chena,Kachil,Chembu etc.).It will become big more than 100 Kg.Usually it hunt its food at night but in rainy season day time also it hunt for food. In rainy season ,it also make nest for resting with small plants.
Kaattupoth |
Wild Buffaloes or
Kaattupoth is not common in outer side of this forest. In inner forest (3-4 km inner) it is common. The main food preferred this is some kinds of grass in forest(Karukapullu).It lived as a group in forest.This animal is dangerous and even elephant also fear this animal.The animal can become more than 600 kg
Varayaadu |
Nilgiri Tahr (Ibex) or Varayaadu is also very rare in this forest.It lived in big rock hills and the hills which is almost in vertical. This also lived as group.It lived in big rock hills and the hills which is almost in vertical. In kerala the total no. of this animal existing is less than 1000.
Kuttithevangu |
Bush Baby or
Thevangu or
Kuttithevangu is very common in this forest. It look like baby monkey and it has very big eyes compared to its body. It has only a 12 to 16 inches length and this is lived in trees.
This searches food at nights and the move of this species through the trees is very slow. Because of its low speed, humans can easily catch this animal.(Caution it will byte).
Kooran |
Kooraman (Mouse deer) or Kooran is very common in his forest.It has the size of a rabbit but it is a kind of deer. The maximum weight can be have this animal is up to 4 kg. and it also eats some kinds of leaves,tree fruits(punnakkai, thanikkai etc.). This searches food at night time.It can be seen as couples or as single.It also bark when see something danger for it.
Kurukkan |
Fox or
Kurukkan is the clever animal as we know from our childhood. Actually am not think so. It is a chicken stealer from chicken house in the village.Mainly it hunt its food at night. Small animals like Mouse deer, Rabbit, Rat etc. are the victims of this in the forest. At night it produce long sound something like Kuuuuuuuu.....
Malayannan |
Malayannan (Malabar Giant Squirrel) is also common in Inchathotty forest. It can have the maximum weight up to 2-3 kg. The main food of this is tree fruits and seeds and it searches food at day time only.It lives in tree holes. It can produce a high frequency sound.It can be seen as couples or as single.
Marappatti |
I don't know the actual name of this species, some kind of
raccoons (Marappatti) .This species is very common here. It can have maximum 1.5 m. length and up to 5 kg in weight.The usual time for searching food is in night. It also can see in village trees like Coconut trees, Mango trees etc.Mainly the food is different types of tree fruits(Kokkokaa,Panamkuru etc.) and it also have small birds and rats if it gets.
It also make damage of some village plant fruits and because of this in kerala it is allowed to hunt it down(need license) if it enters in farm.
Mlaavu |
Mlavu (Sambhar deer) is also in Inchathotty forest
. The foods preferred by this is almost same as that of barking deer(kezha). The time for searching food is at night (usually 8.00 - 11.00 pm or 2.00-5.00 am) .
It also produce some sound like barking deer when anything feels trouble for it's life.(Presence of man,Tiger,Wild dog etc.) ,it also hit one hand strongly into the land at this time repeatedly. The sound is very big compared to barking deer.This animal can have maximum weight up to 200 kg.
Mullanpanni |
Mullanpanni (Porcupine) is also common in these areas.This lives in long land holes. It can stay in holes many days without any food. It eats tree seeds and plant roots(Odathinkai, Angilikuru, Konnakai, Kovalthinkuru, kulamavu, Thanikkai etc.).It searches food at night.(7.00 -10.30 pm if dark sky ie, no moon otherwise timing will be change). This can be big as more than 10 Kg. It also cause damage to village plants(Cheambu,Kaachil etc.). The important characteristic of this animal is, it always follow the same rout from its hole to the respective tree which has the seeds for eat.(like a road from the hole to tree).
Neernaya |
I don't know the actual name, some kind of
seal(Neernaya) can be see in rivers in kerala. It lives as group. The main food is fishes from the river. It can have a weight up to 6 Kg. It has tail and look like Mongoose. It searches food at day time as well as night.
Pakkan |
Pakkan or
wild cat is very common in this forest. The rats, rabbits,small birds,chicken are the main victims of this animal. This hunt its food both day and night.This is the main threat for the chickens in village.It will become big up to more than 6 Kg.
This animal is very well known among children's, all parents threat their kids when kids make problems for them,by telling this animals name.
Parayathan |
Giant Flying Squirrel or
Parayathan is very common in Inchathotty forest. It mainly seen in nights. It can have a weight up to 3 kg. Its main food is tree fruits in forest(Anikkavila, Chakkapazham etc.)
We can easily see this while flying from one tree to another. It can only fly in downwards direction
Perumpambu |
python or
Perumpambu is also in this forest. The main food of this is small animals like rat, mouse deer, chicken,birds,rabbit etc.It also lived in river as well as forest.It will become big more than 50 kg. Its length is 8 feet to 15 feet. Some time it may become danger for humans also. Many tribes in this forest is attacked by python.
Pullipuly |
Puli (Leopard) is also in this forest.
Black Leopard or karimpuli is also seen by tribes in this forest.The barking deer, rabbit,monkey, wild boar etc. are the victims of this animal in forest. In the village some times goat, cattle's etc. are also the victims of this.
Pulliman |
(Spotted deer) is not common i these areas. These animals lived as groups and it likes small forest than thick forest.
Udumbu |
This is a kind of
dragon lizard or
Udumbu is common here.It mainly lives in river side or in big trees, this make him escape from humans very quickly.The maximum weight of Udumbu can be up to 6 kg. It can stay under water for more than an hour.
Vellakurangu |
Vellakurangu (Bonnet Macaque) is very common here. It also make damages to village plant fruits.It lived as groups and the maximum size of this can be up to 12Kg. It searches food at day time. Lives in trees.
Veruku |
Veruku (Small Indian Civet) is common in this forest. It has a size of a cat.It hunt its food at night. Can be seen in village farms also.It is well known for some Ayurveda medicine.It eats insects and small species.
Inchaparayathan |
Flying squirrel or
Inchaparayathan is also common in these places. It can be see at nights. It is smaller than Giant flying squirrel (Parayathan).
kattumuyal |
wild Rabbit or
kattumuyal is also very common in this village. It like small forest than thick forest and mainly the food is some kind of small grass.
Very good ....
ReplyDeleteHi Robin,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the time and efforts you have put in for featuring the wildlife of your village or the bushland in your neighbourhood. You are commended, mate, for the interest you have shown in showcasing the wildlife. It doesn't matter whether you have done a professional page or something in rudimentar... it is your pure love of nature.. I appreciate. Cheers!
Ameer Hassan
Really good! Appreciate the effort!
ReplyDeleteThank you...
DeleteVery Good
DeleteHi Robin,
ReplyDeleteThe actual name of "Marappatti" is Asian Palm Civet.
Its very Nice and would love to visit this place...Thank you very Much.. Please send me the rootmap of this place..ramchandvarma007@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteIt is a very nice work robin. Congrats... i really wish to visit your village very soon. Iam arun from aluva. Can you help me robin? please reply @ arunarafa@gmail.com